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Hardwell anuncia hiato de shows em sua carreira

O famoso dj e produtor holandês Hardwell decidiu anunciar uma pausa em sua carreira sem data de retorno. Confira os detalhes e o anúncio.



A lenda holandesa Hardwell tem sido um dos pilares mais emblemáticos e famosos nos últimos tempos da dance msuic. O produtor criador de sucessos como United We Are, Appolo, Arcadia e Spaceman, decidiu focar em tudo que é mais importante em sua vida, família e amigos, anunciando um hiato em sua carreira sem data de retorno.

A agenda do dj termina no dia 18 de Outubro, em meio a sua grande apresentação no Amsterdam Dance Event, em um show para todas as idades no Ziggo Dome, grandiosa arena com capacidade de aproximadamente 20 mil pessoas.

Em comunicado, o produtor de big room e progressive house ainda deixou claro que irá continuar a produzir para seus fãs, não perdendo sua conexão com as pessoas que sempre o seguiram.

Confira o anúncio na íntegra abaixo:


Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.


Hello world, Ever since I was a little kid I dreamed of the life I live this very moment. A life filled with music, real human interaction and the freedom to express myself in the purest form I know. I have grown from an ambitious kid with everything to gain into the 30-year old I am today whilst evolving as an artist with triple the speed of my aging process. Over the past few years I’ve come to know myself better and better and over time I realized that there’s still so much I want to share with my family and friends, so many roads I’d like to explore, but being Hardwell 24/7 leaves too little energy, love, creativity and attention for my life as a normal person to do so. This is why I have decided to clear my schedule indefinitely to be completely liberated from targets, interviews, deadlines, release dates, etc. I’ve always dealt with all the pressure that comes with the heavy touring schedule, but for now, it felt too much, like a never ending rollercoaster ride. I always try to give myself 200% and in order to keep doing that, and feeding my creativity, I need some time off to be me, the person behind the artist and reflect on everything that happened the last few years. That means my touring schedule has ended yesterday on Ibiza on September 6th, 2018 with a bang. However, I will still do my All Ages show in the Ziggo Dome during Amsterdam Dance Event on the 18th of October 2018. I’ll keep making music and I will never let go of it and will always aim to continue to connect with my fans through it. Last but not least I want to thank every single one of my fans for the support so far. It is your love and dedication for all I’ve put out there that helped me evolve in more ways than I ever could have imagined, and I realize that I do owe everything to you all. My sincerest hope is that we will be able to continue this journey together. I want to come back stronger than ever, but for now, I’m just going to be me for a while. Robbert

Uma publicação compartilhada por Hardwell (@hardwell) em

Pós graduado em comunicação e marketing digital pela Universidade Belas Artes de São Paulo. DJ, produtor de eventos, PR, poeta e workaholic. Amante de um bom som, um por do sol e uma boa taça de gin tônica.

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